Hi, I’m Kristin Ditlow -
a concert pianist, collaborative artist, vocal coach, traveler, language lover, conceptual creative, a killer storyteller, and conductor.
(For my conducting page, follow my baton here).
Affetto Records released Passages on April 21, 2023. This disc is a two-CD set of solo piano works based on opera and song.
Harry Musselwhite (Rome News-Tribune) hailed the disc as "sonically breathtaking and her playing ranges from intimate pianistic thoughts to thundering room-shaking outbursts. She is a consummate interpreter." Ralph Locke (The Arts Fuse) praises deeply affectionate: I sometimes felt I could hear Ditlow thinking about the (silent) words, noticing a surprising modulation, or responding to the tension-and-release within a musical phrase.
Read More about PASSAGES by clicking here.
Get in touch with me so we can collaborate on your next project!
(1) 215-527-4237